What is Toji Temple?東寺とは?

Toji Temple is the most popular temple in Kyoto and is the number one tourist spot in Kyoto.We did some research on Toji Temple.


Address: 1 Kujo-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto City
Phone number 075-691-3325
Visiting hours: 5:00-17:00 inside the shrine grounds
Kondo/Auditorium 8:00-17:00 (Registration closes at 16:30)
Kanchi-in Temple 9:00-17:00 (Registration closes at 16:30), Treasure Museum (Spring/Autumn public) 9:00-17:00 (Reception closes at 16:30)
*Publication locations and viewing hours vary depending on the period. For more information, please visit the temple’s official website.
Admission fee: Free inside the precincts
From November 1st to November 25th: Kondo, Auditorium, Five-storied Pagoda: 800 yen, Treasure Hall: 500 yen, Kanchi-in Temple: 500 yen (1,300 yen for all locations)
From 11/26 to 12/10, 800 yen for Kondo, Auditorium, and Five-storied pagoda, 500 yen for Kanchi-in (1,000 yen for all locations)
*For other periods, please see the temple’s official website.
Access: About 15 minutes walk from JR Kyoto Station
HP address https://toji.or.jp/

住所 京都市南区九条町1番地
電話番号 075-691-3325
拝観時間 境内5:00~17:00
拝観料 境内無料
アクセス JR「京都駅」下車徒歩約15分
HPアドレス https://toji.or.jp/

What kind of place is Toji Temple?東寺ってどんなところ?

Toji Temple is located within walking distance from Kyoto Station.
Founded in 764, this temple has a history of over 1,000 years.
It has become a symbol of Kyoto, and within the grounds you can tour valuable historical buildings such as the Five-storied Pagoda, which has been designated a National Treasure, and the Auditorium, which is an Important Cultural Property.
Although it has been destroyed by fire many times since its construction, it has been rebuilt each time, and the existing structures have been rebuilt at various times.
In 1994, it was registered as a World Heritage Site as a “cultural property of ancient Kyoto.”


History of Toji Temple 東寺の歴史

Heiankyo, the capital of Japan, was founded in 794.
Toji is a national temple that was built to protect the eastern part of the capital when Heiankyo was built. It is also called “Kyoo Gokokuji”.
In 823, Emperor Saga entrusted the management and construction of Toji to Kobo Daishi Kukai, making it Japan’s first esoteric Buddhist temple.
Nishi-ji, a national temple that protects the western part of the capital, was built along with To-ji, but after repeated fires, it was never rebuilt, and now only the foundation stone and stone monument remain. Remaining.
For this reason, Toji Temple is said to be the only remaining structure of Heiankyo.
Like West Temple, Toji Temple was destroyed by fire many times, but each time it was rebuilt by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu.


4 Highlights of Toji Temple「東寺」の見どころ4選

Among Toji Temple, which has many attractions, we will introduce carefully selected highlights.
It is also known as a famous spot for viewing cherry blossoms and autumn leaves, with the cherry blossoms blooming in spring and the autumn leaves changing the scenery to create an emotional atmosphere.
If you want to go sightseeing, try visiting the precincts of Toji Temple, which is home to many national treasures and important cultural properties, when the cherry blossoms or autumn leaves are in full bloom.


The five-storied pagoda is a national treasure and is the tallest wooden structure in Japan.          木造建築で日本一の高さを誇る国宝「五重塔」

The five-storied pagoda of Toji Temple, which can be called a Kyoto landmark, is designated as a national treasure.
At 54.8m in height, it is the tallest wooden building in Japan.
The five-storied pagoda contains the remains of Buddha, which Kobo Daishi Kukai brought back from the Tang Dynasty.
It burned down four times due to lightning strikes and other causes, but was repaired each time.
The current five-storied pagoda was rebuilt in 1644 by Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun of the Edo shogunate.
The interior of the first floor of the five-storied pagoda is decorated in rich colors, with Dainichi Nyorai in the center surrounded by four Buddha statues and eight Bodhisattva statues.
The inside of the first floor is not open to the public, but it may be opened to the public on a special basis depending on the season.

現在の五重塔は1644年に、江戸幕府3代将軍・徳川 家光(とくがわ いえみつ)が再建したもの。

Toji Temple and the Auditorium, the center of Esoteric Buddhism東寺と密教の中心「講堂」

The lecture hall'' located in the center of the precincts was built for the purpose of transmitting esoteric Buddhism. Inside, there are 21 statues of Buddha, such asDainichi Nyorai” and Fudo Myoo,'' which are enshrined as athree-dimensional mandala” that visually represents the teachings.
Although it was burnt down along with the main hall, the Kondo, in 1486, it was rebuilt with priority given to the main hall.
It is now designated as an important cultural property.


“Kondo” where the principal image is enshrinedご本尊が安置されている「金堂」

The central hall (main hall) of Toji Temple. Construction of this temple began the earliest of the temples and pagodas, and it is estimated that it was completed by the time To-ji was granted to Kukai in 823 (Konin 14). The original hall was burnt down in 1486 (Bunmei 18) and was not rebuilt for nearly a century.
The existing building was reconstructed by Toyotomi Hideyori in 1603 (Keicho 8), and a commemorative memorial service was held in 1606 (Keicho 11). It has a gabled roof with a tiled roof, and although it looks like it has two floors from the outside, it has a single floor. The interior is a vast space, and enshrines the principal image of Yakushi Nyorai (made by Buddhist sculptor Yasumasa), which is an important cultural property, as well as statues of Nikko Bosatsu and Gekko Bosatsu, both flanking attendants. The principal image is a gigantic statue with a height of 2.88m and a total height of 10m including the pedestal and halo, making it the largest Yakushi Nyorai statue in Japan.

東寺の中堂(本堂)。 この寺院は寺院仏塔の中で最も早く建設が始まり、弘仁14年(823年)に空海に東寺が下賜された頃には完成していたと推定されています。 元の堂は1486年(文明18年)に焼失し、その後1世紀近く再建されなかった。
現存する建物は1603年(慶長8年)に豊臣秀頼によって再建され、1606年(慶長11年)に記念供養が行われました。 切妻瓦屋根で、外から見ると2階建てに見えますが、平屋です。 内部は広大な空間で、重要文化財の本尊薬師如来像(仏師保正作)をはじめ、脇侍として日光菩薩像、月光菩薩像が安置されている。 本尊は高さ2.88m、台座と光背を含めた総高さは10mにもなる日本最大の薬師如来像です。

Kukai’s residence “Mieido” (Daishido)空海の住居「御影堂(大師堂)」

It is a Buddhist temple complex consisting of three buildings: the front hall, rear hall, and middle gate, which stands on a plot of land called “Saiin” in the northwestern part of the precincts, surrounded by a Tsukiji site. It was once the residence of Kobo Daishi Kukai. When it was designated as a national treasure in 1958, it was named Daishido,'' but the nameMieido” is mainly used in temples. The original hall was burnt down in 1379 (Koreki 1), and the rear hall was rebuilt the following year.
Ten years later, in 1390 (Meitoku 1), the front hall was added to the north and the middle gate was added to the west to enshrine the statue of Kobo Daishi. In the rear hall is enshrined a seated statue of Fudo Myoo (a national treasure), which is said to be Kukai’s Nenjibutsu. Although it is a secret Buddha statue that is not open to the public, it is said to be one of the oldest examples of Fudo Myoo statues in Japan.
A seated statue of Kobo Daishi (a national treasure) is enshrined in the front hall. This statue was created in 1233 (Tenpuku 1) by Unkei’s fourth son, Yasukatsu, and is said to be almost identical to the portrait of Kukai painted by Kukai’s disciple Shinnyo. In front of the statue, a living offering'' is held every morning at 6 a.m., in which breakfast is offered to theOdaishi”, and many worshipers gather.

境内の北西部、築地の敷地に囲まれた「西院」と呼ばれる土地に建つ、前堂、後堂、中門の三棟からなる寺院群です。 かつては弘法大師空海の邸宅でした。 1958年に国宝に指定された際には「大師堂」と名付けられましたが、寺院では主に「御影堂」という名称が使われています。 元の殿堂は1379年(康暦1年)に焼失し、翌年に後殿が再建されました。
10年後の1390年(明徳元)には、北に前殿、西に中門が増築され、弘法大師像が安置されました。 後堂には空海の念持仏とされる不動明王坐像(国宝)が安置されている。 一般公開されていない秘仏ですが、不動明王像としては日本最古の仏像の一つと言われています。
拝殿には弘法大師坐像(国宝)が安置されている。 この像は、1233年(天福元年)に運慶の四男・保勝によって作られ、空海の弟子・真如が描いた空海像とほぼ同一と言われています。 像前では毎朝午前6時から「お大師さま」に朝食を供える「生供養」が行われ、多くの参拝者が集まる。
