寺 Can you go to the world of paradise? ! “Kinkakuji” What is Kinkakuji?Its official name is Rokuonji, and it is one of the subtemples of Shokokuji.It is commonly called Kink... 2024.01.12 寺
寺 What is Toji Temple?東寺とは? Toji Temple is the most popular temple in Kyoto and is the number one tourist spot in Kyoto.We did some research on Toji... 2023.12.30 寺
寺 What is Bishamondo in Kyoto?京都の毘沙門堂ってなに? I'm sure some of you have heard about it when sightseeing in Kyoto. Bishamondo Temple is especially famous for its autum... 2023.11.18 寺